How Fiction Can Change Reality

In another great short clip, TED-Ed provides a summary of how fiction, shapes perception. The video explores how fiction can spark debate, challenge norms and shape cultural evolution.   At Bear Skin, we concur ! For more videos such as these, you can go to

The True Man Show

In 1998, Truman Burbank tried to break out of his own life. He had been born and raised inside a highly elaborate TV show. Truman’s life had been scripted. His love life, his family, his career, it had all been controlled for him. The few things he truly wanted – that girl in high school, […]

What is truth?

In the west, we condone a liberal tolerance of all points of view – asserting there is no such thing as “ultimate truth.” This itself is a truth claim but is a valid truth claim because it supports freedom of thought. So we believe in individual freedom. We don’t believe in any over arching system […]