The Power of Reading

Power of Reading Bear Skin Digital by jen bishop belief, C S Lewis, epistemology, knowing,

In an earlier post, I examined what would happen ‘If All the Books Disappeared.’ Ricky Gervais pointed out that science is the axiom the universe, an unchanging constant that would be discovered again and again should we lose all knowledge and records of learning. He contrasted this to religion which would reappear in a different […]

Why this narrative?

Faiths and belief systems are characterised by narratives. An earlier post On Suffering, pointed out how the narratives of different world religions make sense of suffering. The Christian narrative at its core, is based on a simple tenet: believe in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and believe that his death was for […]

Does belief shape space and time?

Isn’t it fascinating to read articles such as this from the Science Daily which shares the Quantum Theory of Entanglement and how observation affects reality. The article shows how a beam of electrons is affected by being observed; matter is affected from afar simply by ones eyes resting upon it. This takes us back to […]